Goldie Louise
Goldie is our 7 year old, 40 lb, F1 Medium Goldendoodle. She has a beautiful apricot wavy coat. Goldie is our proud mamma and alpha of the pack, but when it comes to the family, she still thinks she's the baby.
Daisy Louise

Daisy is a 5 year old, 50 lb, F2 Standard Goldendoodle. She has a gorgeous wavy cream and amber coat. Daisy is very laid back and loves to get her belly rubbed. She is an excellent mom and outstanding family dog!

Hope-A-Lot Louise
Hope is a 3 year old, 15 lb, F1bb miniature Goldendoodle. She has a gorgeous black/white spotted coat. Hope is such a love! Her favorite place is snuggling on grandma's lap!
Delilah Louise
Delilah is a 1.5 year old, 15 lb, F1bb miniature Goldendoodle. She has a gorgeous white coat with light brown lowlights. Delilah has booted her mom (Hope) from snuggling on grandma's lap!
Milo Knute--Retired
Milo is a 4.5 year old, F1b, 60 lb Standard Goldendoodle. Milo has an incredibly soft, tight curled amber coat. He is an absolute sweetheart who loves to get outside and chase the ball. He is now retired and loving life on the farm!

Maybell (Belli)
Maybell is our 3.5 year old, 60lb, F1b standard size drama queen. She is the baby of our big dogs and demands all the attention. Young and spry, she is Milo's best friend and greatest competition for the ball.
Calli Jo
Calli Jo is our 4.5 year old, 20 lb, F1 Petite Miniature Goldendoodle. She has a gorgeous curly caramel color coat. Calli may be small, but she can certainly run with the big dogs. No low-man on the totem pole, she insists she can do everything they can and more.

Grace is a 3 year old, 25 lb, F1 Miniature Goldendoodle. She has a beautiful wavy blue merle coat. Her legs are small but her spirit is mighty. Grace will be the first dog in the bed at night and the last one out the door in the morning.